Too Many SKUs? No Order Volume?
Not all leads are good leads. If a lead isn’t a fit for your company – it is for someone else – and there’s no reason you shouldn’t profit from that
Why Fulfillment Marketplace?
We have the most diverse range of 3PL partners to route leads to – so you know that lead will be closed and you can recoup lead generation cots
How Much Can I Make?
Send over ANY lead – volume or not – and you can earn up to $2,000 on the revenue they bring in
We know that you’ll come across leads that aren’t the right fit for your business. Whether its high SKU counts, low order volume, refrigeration, or you just ran out of warehouse space at the moment – we can make sure you receive commission
Referral Details
Commission payout is based on the billed revenue of the merchant when they sign with a vendor.
Commission pays out over 12 months (as revenue is billed) and paid to the recipient in quarterly installments.